Public Health Agency of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Injury Surveillance On-Line

Health Surveillance and Epidemiology Division, Centre for Health Promotion

Implementation of ICD-10(-CA)

It is the responsibility of the user to understand and interpret any discontinuity in trend data that includes dates where classification versions have changed.

Mortality data from Statistics Canada has been classified using ICD-10 beginning in calendar year 2000.

Hospitalization data provided by the Canadian Institute for Health Information were first classified using ICD-10-CA in fiscal year 2001-02. The dates of ICD-10-CA implementation by the provinces and territories are listed in the table following this paragraph. Injury Surveillance on Line does not yet use the extra detail available in ICD-10-CA.


Provinces/territories implementing ICD-10 for hospitalization data


NL, PEI, NS, SK (partial), BC, YK


ON, SK (remainder), AB, NT, NU






QC (expected)

The ICD code groupings used in Injury Surveillance on Line presentation of injury data may be found in the ICD-9 to ICD-10 Transition Matrix.
The table presents three different sets of code groupings.

Old ICD-9
ICD-9 groupings from the ICE on Injury Statistics web site. In ISOL these are used for:
Mortality data for the years before 2000,
Hospitalization data for the years before 2001-02.

ICD-10 groupings from the ICE on Injury Statistics web site. In ISOL these are used for:
Mortality data for 2000 and later years
Hospitalization data from provinces/territories that have implemented ICD-10-CA (in or after fiscal year 2001-02)

New ICD-9
ICD-9 groupings that correspond as closely as possible to the ICD-10 groupings. In ISOL these are used for:
Hospitalization data from provinces/territories that have not implemented ICD-10-CA (beginning with fiscal year 2001-02).